Friday, January 1, 2021

The 'Smoking Gun'

In his own words, Charlatan Dutch Sheets shares this in his plea for year-end contributions to his "ministry." 

"I have made seven trips to Washington D.C. this year. Ninety percent of those trips were made just to pray for our nation, on-site – boots on the ground. On one of those trips, I had a divine appointment where I met with some people connected to our government.

They made an appeal for me to join the natural to the spirit since what we do in the spirit directly affects what happens in the natural, basically marrying civil and spiritual government.* They suggested I go to each of the seven election-contested states, and call the ekklesia of the Lord to come together, joining us to pray for America from each state.  . . . I felt this was an assignment from the Lord, and what an assignment it was! I called some of my prophetic and apostolic ministry friends/leaders and asked them to pray about joining me.

We took a team to Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

In his year-end appeal, he brags about packing the Gospel Tabernacle on that November evening just before our Covid-19 cases and deaths began climbing, now threatening to overwhelm our health system. What he doesn't mention is that he brought Covid-19 along with his prayer team to Pennsylvania -and likely to the other places they attempted to fill in the "election-contested states".

I am not able to turn away from the daily Dutch Sheets spectacle on his website, sometimes postponing listening to his folksy, aw-shucks drawl until afternoon but more often listening with my morning coffee. Nine times out of ten he relates a "prophetic" dream, and describes what all the symbolism means to real believers. (These folks must not sleep much!) Then he issues decrees and always encourages the faithful that they need to keep going to purge the evil in Washington and work to reveal and restore what he calculates is the true winner of the election.

I am praying that God purges the evil in Washington too - it's just that Dutch and I have very different interpretations of where that evil resides. What Dutch never mentions is all the pain and sorrow in our nation from the effects of the worldwide pandemic and racial injustice and the terrible poverty that stems from corporate greed as the rich get richer and the poor poorer. Never does he mention the mandate from Jesus that love, justice and compassion are at the very heart of Christian faith.

It's most telling that he admits he's on his mission with the direct involvement of "people connected with our government." If it all weren't so sinister and so calculated, I could almost appreciate being a fly on the wall just before Dutch is ushered into the room.

"Okay, folks, do you remember what you need to say?" says connected government person one.

"I'll use words like ekklesia and spiritual warfare and prayer," replies connected government person two.

"I'll ask that we all pray together as soon as he comes in the room," says connected government person three, "That always gets them."

They all laugh before they straighten the little cross pins on their lapels and open the door to Mr. Sheets. 

*Being not well-versed in this kind of dogma, I couldn't stifle my giggles at this particular use of the English language.

1 comment:

Steven J Heimel said...

So strange that it was because of the Baptists in Western Massachusetts that we even have a First Amendment, and here the pastor is blatantly putting forth a heresy of matrimony between church and state.
But then again, the Baptists didn't want the Congregationalists in Boston using the apparatus of the state to discriminate against them, and the Congregationalists themselves came out of the Reformation, which was kind of about the same thing.

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