Friday, September 24, 2021

How The Community Feels

Coudersport Area School District Superintendent Drew Kyle said he wanted to know how the community "feels" at the September 13 meeting of the School Board. The meeting was the first scheduled after the Pennsylvania Department of Health issued a mandate to public schools that facial coverings would be required across the state beginning September 7. 

A school board member used his social media account to share the following with the public before the meeting: "To all the parents of students and faculty at CASD against the mask mandate. Now is not the time to sit back and hope someone fights this battle for you ... The only thing that matters now is that we convince my fellow board members that we will not mandate masks on our children, PERIOD.... There has been a clear line drawn in the sand. It's now US vs THEM. We cannot afford to be the silent majority any longer."

So there were lots of people filling the seats in the auditorium as the Board and Superintendent sat at the back of  the shadowy stage, some wearing the face masks as mandated by the Department of Health and some not.

Two local police officers monitored
the crowd filing into the auditorium

After the requisite Pledge of Allegiance came Mr. Kyle's mini lecture about respecting and appreciating the thoughts and opinions of those gathered and some vague comments about hands being tied by the Governor when the local decision makers were focused on "doing the right thing for our students, faculty and staff." "This meeting is not about public debate," he cautioned.

But then began the very public debate, complete with raucous applause and catcalls. It seems that most of those gathered were feeling that they're the public health experts.

The fellow who first stepped to the microphone: "Thank you for keeping masks optional. I would just pray that ..." He was the first of many who made reference to prayer and God in sharing their feelings.

"After a beautiful start of the new school year ... shameful," said a teacher, "... nothing to do with keeping others safe. No one is wearing them correctly." "Masks prohibit the immune system from doing its job," she boldy stated. 

Another citizen: "Masks violate our God-given rights. Covid is a genetically engineered bioweapon ... sold our souls to the devil. We must protect our health freedom."

Clad in a tank top and athletic shorts, another woman brought with her a letter from a State Senator, whose name I did not catch. "Parents want to control what is best for their child. This is misguided mandate." She mentioned supporting Senate Bill 846. "Let your voice be heard," she proclaimed.

A former school nurse thanked the Board for making mask wearing optional, saying that masks suppress our immune systems. "Why force them? Covid's here to stay," she stated.

Another teacher, armed with what he called 59 links to "studies" indicating masking was an ineffective infection control measure, cited an article from The Wall Street Journal that he claimed validated his opinions about the virus. 

And yet another teacher  cautioned that there would be "an exodus out of the schools" if the mandate was enforced. "Somebody has to step up and say no!"

Some used the old Trump/Fox News line "it's been widely reported" to express to the Board their feelings. There were those who spoke of "cancel culture" and others who had feelings about the highly effective and safe treatments that are being kept from us in order to enslave us or our children. Then we heard how masks are dehumanizing to our young children and the undisclosed ingredients in the vaccine that " 'they' are trying to hide." I even heard someone say "your body, their choice."

There were a handful of people who stepped to the microphone to encourage the Board to consider that the state mandate might be the best tactic to prevent transmission of the virus while keeping the students in school. Another presented a petition supporting the masking mandate, signed by over 70 Coudersport taxpayers. These folks were met with disapproval from much of the audience.

The September 13 meeting of the School Board was its regularly-scheduled monthly meeting. Board members were silent during the public comments, as the majority decision had been made to not require face coverings in the schools.

 Now a special meeting has been set for Monday, September 27 at 5:30 in the auditorium to discuss COVID protocols, according to a post on the school's Facebook page.

Could it be that Covid-19 is roaring through the school, striking both teachers and students? Could it be true that t0day more than 200 students are currently not in school because of quarantine or illness? Could it be that the administrators and school board members do not want to assume the personal liability for their decisions about public health and safety after ignoring a Department of Health mandate? Could it be that school funding is threatened?


Anonymous said...

WHY are we not acknowledging the fact that this is a legal Order under the Disease Prevention and Control Law and our schools are expected to enforce the Order as they do other state laws? The PA Secretary of Health was given the authority to issue public health requirements by the legislature in 1955. My understanding is that failure to comply with the order will subject school officials to penalty provisions of the Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955 and also expose school officials to personal liability. Isn’t it accurate to say that by failing to enforce the mask mandate, our school district is breaking the law? And thus they are modeling for our students a disregard for the law? So if you don’t agree with a law, if it offends your concept of personal freedom, just ignore it? Isn’t that what we’re teaching our students by example? Just disobey the law whenever it inconveniences you. That’s outrageous. How does a community survive, let alone flourish, if that is our general attitude towards each other?

Anonymous said...

On the day the initial announcement came out the elementary kids had an assembly on the “Falcon Four.” Be safe, be respectful, be responsible, and be kind. Seems as though they missed the target audience.

Anonymous said...

it’s disturbing how he is referencing “opinions” when science should guide decisions. What a nightmare for residents with sound minds. Truly, home schooling would be the better terrible option.

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