Sunday, October 31, 2021

Rally For What Cause?

The Free Pa folks have planned a rally in the back lot of Kightlinger Motors (site of Pro-Trump rallies before and after the 2020 election) to support some citizens who have decided to launch write-in campaigns to become school directors for the Coudersport Area School District.
The rally was originally scheduled for October 30 and promised a mask burning, along with the face painting and the trick or treating and the hot dogs and the bonfire.
For you see, these citizens are rallying because they are incensed at the idea that a public school should require public health measures such as vaccination against disease and the implementation of mandated public health measures. It would appear this position is misguided and untenable, and the state has made it clear public schools must comply. (This from the Coudersport school's website.)
I'm not sure how it came about, but the date for the rally was changed (likely because no one wants to mess with the annual trick or treat rituals) and when that change was made, the planned mask burning was removed from the poster. Perhaps, in light of the extremely low vaccination rate and high rate of Covid-19 transmission and death in Potter County, they need those masks!


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