Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Just For Fun

My newspaper editor grandfather didn't care much for the Beatles. He writes in his weekly column:

A beatle or a beetle -

What the difference? Both are merely annoying insects.

The next week he dabbled a bit in Latin. 

Golly remembers a heading used by one old fashioned sheet: "Multum Items in Parvo Space"

He learned its meaning as many brief notes in a small space.

Now as Golly sees on the TV screen a bunch of mop-heads, he thinks of "multum" hair and "parvo" brains.

Evidently he wasn't the only one ... even the basketball coaches from Oswayo Valley didn't care for the Beatles.

A second place finish in the Homecoming Parade for the Senior Class in the fall of 1964.

The Roulette Drive-In chose to run "A Hard Days Night" with The Three Stooges.

Meanwhile in Galeton, the teens were excited to go downstairs to the balcony to see the film!

Smitty didn't open his Record Cellar until 1968 so the 5 and 10 was the place to get your hands on the newest releases.


Gayle T. said...

Always wished I'd have known your grandfather. :-)

Gayle T. said...

Always wished I had met/known your grandfather. :-)

My Little Town, Part 3

North East Street, the street where I lived. It's the street where my aunts and uncles and cousins lived too, in those 1950s days when f...