Saturday, February 4, 2023


It's no secret that I am not a fan of football. 

It is interesting to note that perhaps it's hereditary.

October 12, 1911

(Letter to Editor) 

Saturday I had business at State College, Pa. was fortunate enough to see a game of football between teams representing State College and Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg. The play was fast and furious and when State College had given the last college yell of victory, fully 2000 strong, the score being 31 to 0 several men had been carried off the gridiron.

But this was tame as compared with the game of “push ball” in which the freshmen and sophomores took part. This was made an annual event at the college last year and as the writer had never seen it played before it made a decided impression upon him. … Yes, I did get excited and yell like an Indian, “Give it to ‘em freshies!” But at the same time, my humble opinion is that it is brutal and I like it not.

Yours very truly, W.D. Fish, Williamsport Pa.

And for the fact-checkers, this is what I found:


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