Saturday, February 24, 2024

Words That Matter

I'm sure it's an experience shared by us humans - that moment when something you read, or see or hear stops your brain for an instant. For me, it's sometimes the shudder of goose bumps rising on my arms, or as if a small voltage shock passes through me, or a sultry breeze rearranging wisps of hair.

And it was like that with this little poem by Naomi Shihab Nye:

Ever since the pandemic and ever since I started putting the 7 as the decade of my age, as I go about the day with its duties, chores, responsibilities, there's this constant hum in my head – my time here on this big blue marble is limited. 

And now, this poem - so few words, with so much meaning for me - this baby boomer sitting at her desk on this cold winter morning, surrounded by so many shoes that simply do not fit anymore. But by the same token, there are those shoes - you know the ones - those you reach for when you know you're gonna be on your feet all day, or the whimsical ones, or the slouchy ones, perhaps the slippers and,  especially, the ones that make you smile.

So on this late winter Saturday morning, I'm taking off the ill-fitting shoes and reaching for those that fit today - especially the ones that make me smile. 

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