Monday, March 4, 2024

Penns Woods Fungi

Late winter in Penn's Woods - gray trees reaching toward the glowering ever-gray sky, brown leaves underfoot, empty milkweed pods, dried goldenrod seed heads, the faraway tat-a-tat tat of a woodpecker, remnants of snow no longer sparkling and white. But then,  this ...

perhaps Cinnabar Polypore

along the Billy Lewis Trail

Such a beautiful array in unexpected places, subtle and riotous, often overlooked in other seasons of the year when there's so much to compete for our attention. It was only after I began to look at the pictures I'd snapped on several hikes that curiosity kicked in and I attempted (shaky attempt at best) to put names to what I'd observed. 

Read more about the winter fungi in Pennsylvania here.

green bracket fungi

brown on brown

perhaps this one is King Alfred's Cake

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