Saturday, March 23, 2024

Potter County Leeks

March 24. Just one more week and then - April!

Even now we are dreaming of April showers, May flowers, spring peepers, and nature's spring tonic - whew! How can one be so incongruous to mention May flowers and leeks in the same breath!

It seems Golly was NOT a fan of leeks! Every spring through the nearly 50 years he piloted the community newspaper, he shared his opinion! 

We have evidently shot off too much about those stinking greens already, but every day we get wind of them – they won't let us forget!

Along with the end of the maple sugar season and the beginning of trout season comes the odor of leeks. That's one of the unpleasant features of the springtime.

All through the thousands of acres of woodland down in the leaf mold, roots are stirring, They are rootlets of the famous Potter County leek – as well as other plants. On mountainsides, sloping to the north, there is still a covering of ice and snow, but the rootlets are struggling just the same to reach the surface and drink of the sun's rays.

Some old timers still believe that eating leeks in goodly quantities in the spring season will ward off various diseases that trouble humanity. To get ample protection they stuff themselves day after day

The breath from such a person is exceedingly offensive. It is even described by some as "effluvium." To really be punished by bad breath, one should come in contact with a man who not only has become saturated with leeks, but for good measure has become beastly drunk on cheap whiskey. Boy, oh boy, that is something!


Steven J said...

Hence leek suppers, also known as ramp suppers and ramp dinners, in which everyone partakes and hence are equally stinky together.

Steven J said...

I was wondering if you and Arthur found leeks when you went to the Nine Mile. I was glad to see the daffodils are still hanging in there, but what about the leeks? Oh, and I still mourn the great watercress outside the springhouse.

Jane M. said...

Lots of leeks, still small but oh so tasty! Pickled some and made a pesto-type concoction for pasta. Hoping to harvest more when it stops raining!

My Little Town, Part 3

North East Street, the street where I lived. It's the street where my aunts and uncles and cousins lived too, in those 1950s days when f...